KM Goals and Measurements - More insight from Stan Garfield

Another insightful piece from KM guru Stan Garfield.

In particular are the very practical suggestions for implementing KM Performance Metrics.

To quote:
"Each member of the organization should have three simple knowledge-related goals that are easy to remember, straightforward to measure, and consistent with the top 3 objectives. You should define personal goals, organizational targets, how employees will be measured, and how progress will be reported."

Communities of Practice - platform for realising KM strategy

Another great article by Stan Garfield on Communities of Practice as a platform for KM strategy realisation, the article includes a number of links to other articles and online resources.

To Quote the article:

"Communities are fundamental to connecting people with related interests so that they can share with one another, innovate, reuse each other's ideas, collaborate, and learn together. Starting a community is an excellent first step in launching a KM initiative, and can be used as a building block for more elaborate functionality.

Communities enable knowledge to flow between people."

Read the full article on LinkedIN here:

Mindfulness – Where Business and the Behavioral Sciences Intersect

Great video introducing mindfulness and its ability to positively impact business value, as part of knowledge processes through organisational culture not just applying some kind of checklist methodology.

Knowledge Worker Productivity and The Practice of Self-Management

Knowledge Worker Productivity and The Practice of Self-Management By Jeremy Hunter, Ph.D., with J. Scott Scherer

How mindfulness and other inner skills are essential to helping knowledge workers be productive in this ever changing landscape of work.

Download the full pdf article here:

Play, creativity, knowledge and innovation

Play, creativity, knowledge and innovation

MIT Lab: Lifelong Kindergarten

Knowledge Management for ITSM within the ITIL framework

Follow the link below to view the article published by the ITSM Review.

The application of Knowledge Management tools and techniques needs to be applicable to the context, environment, IT infrastructure and organisation culture, if it is to realise value, and contribute to meeting the strategic and tactical objectives of the organisation in which they are utilised.

In summary:
"One of the ITIL processes that tends to be glossed over is Knowledge Management which is a shame because it’s the process that can empower your people the most. Used effectively, Knowledge Management can empower your people, reduce Incident resolution times and increase customer satisfaction."